Mentions Légales


This is a French website, so I’m required by law to have a page which explains how I use and store your data. I guess that it should be in French, but as most users of this site are English speakers I’ll write this in English.

The only data which I gather is the information which you transmit to me via the contact form or by e-mail; your name, e-mail, and telephone number.

I use this information to respond to your questions and to arrange your arrange photoshoots.

This contact data would usually be kept in the e-mail system. I do not share this information with any other person or organisation. I can delete it if you wish.

If you have any questions regarding your data please do not hesitate to contact me on or by telephone 00 33 (0)6 67 09 74 38.

Regards, Tom

Nom, Prénom – KENDALL Thomas

Adress – 17 Rue Theophile Boudier, 13009, Marseille

E-mail –

Telephone – 00 33 06 67 09 74 38

Auto-Entrepreneur, SIRET – 53358420700021

Code APE – 7420Z

TVA non applicable, art 293-B du CGI

N° immatriculation a la chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat – 533584207RM130

Héberger – Network Solutions, USA

Vos donnes – Si vous avez des questions par rapport vos donnes, vous pouvez me contacter par e-mail ou telephone. Tom.