This is a French website, so I’m required by law to have a page which explains how I use and store your data. I guess that it should be in French, but as most users of this site are English speakers I’ll write this in English.
The only data which I gather is the information which you transmit to me via the contact form or by e-mail; your name, e-mail, and telephone number.
I use this information to respond to your questions and to arrange your arrange photoshoots.
This contact data would usually be kept in the e-mail system. I do not share this information with any other person or organisation. I can delete it if you wish.
If you have any questions regarding your data please do not hesitate to contact me on contact@thomaskendall.photos or by telephone 00 33 (0)6 67 09 74 38.
Regards, Tom
Nom, Prénom – KENDALL Thomas
Adress – 17 Rue Theophile Boudier, 13009, Marseille
E-mail – contact@thomaskendall.photos
Telephone – 00 33 06 67 09 74 38
Auto-Entrepreneur, SIRET – 53358420700021
Code APE – 7420Z
TVA non applicable, art 293-B du CGI
N° immatriculation a la chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat – 533584207RM130
Héberger – Network Solutions, USA
Vos donnes – Si vous avez des questions par rapport vos donnes, vous pouvez me contacter par e-mail ou telephone. Tom.